Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"I Craft, Therefore I Am!"

It's always nice to get a little freebie along with something you've ordered.  (That's why I always try to include something extra when I package orders from The Midnight Beadery.)

Today I received an order from Create For Less which included the above tattoo.  Normally I don't go in for tattoos, but this one is different.  It's me.  It expresses who I am.  Besides having dedicated myself to crafting, I was also a philosophy major in college and can appreciate so well the allusion to Descartes.  I just had to put it on right away!

So, what did I order?

Camouflage yarn for the next crochet project my son has asked me to work on.  He wants a scarf and a hat.  Small potatoes compared to the last thing he asked me to make him, a gigantic project which I am almost finished with, but more on this later.

For now I need to go around and show off my tattoo!


  1. Love the yarn colors they are so in now. Kool tat!

  2. Just came over to say 'hi' and thanks for following my blog!

